Osceola's Food Pantry
Addressing hunger close to home, one CAN at a time...
The Osceola Food Pantry program helps to feed those closest to us and provide for our neighboring towns and cities. The Food Pantry holds monthly food distributions to our families as well as emergency boxes to anyone who reaches out to us. We are supported by donations of food and money from our Osceola members in addition to local community organizations, area churches, and many kind individuals.
How you CAN help | Donations
Non-perishable food donations may be brought to the church any Sunday during service or use the food donation drop-off box found in the parking lot.
How you CAN help | Volunteer
Join us at a monthly packing event, go to Contact Us to let us know of your interest.
How we CAN help | Need food?
Anyone in need of assistance, should leave a message at the church and someone will respond to arrange an emergency box and/or add the name to our waiting list.
Commitment to our Food Pantry is another way we fulfill Jesus' command to show love
and care for others.
​​"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink . . ." - Matthew 25:35​
1689 Raritan Road • Clark, NJ 07066